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The Modern
production company

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Start your production we are waiting for you

At midnight, we are passionate about creating content in all its forms. Don't hesitate to get in touch with whatever thoughts you have!

Our Projects/Case Study



Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

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What kind of media productions do you offer?

Midnight is a full-service content agency that offers most media production services. Some of the many services we can help with are: 3D, 2D, VFX, Graphics, Filming, Photography, Editing, Storyboarding and Screenwriting.

What are your pricing models?

Prices vary depending on what type of production you are looking for. After an initial meeting, we always leave a price based on your wishes and visions.

Can you manage international projects?

Oh, absolutely! Anything is possible.

Can you help us with our social media?

Of course! We can help you with all the social channels and can tailor a solution to suit your needs. This could be for example filling up your picture or video bank with material or letting us take over the whole package. Up to you guys!

How do you tailor your services to customer needs?

Through a first meeting with you, we will determine what needs and wishes you have. After that, production begins, of which you are obviously a part. Your vision and our expertise are the common factor to a successful outcome!

Get started

Start your production
We are waiting for you